Home Buying Blogs – Nashville

Home buying advice for Nashville, Tennessee residents, brought to you by The Ashton Real Estate Group of RE/MAX Advantage.

Page Summary

How to buy a home in Nashville, Tennessee.

Moving to Nashville

Nashville is a vibrant city with a long history rich with culture and plenty of entertainment for everyone. The culture of this city draws people in and makes it one of the best places to live in America. However, there are a few crucial things to know before you start looking at homes for sale in Nashville. This blog will explore everything you need to know about buying a house and relocating to Nashville, from the cost of living and popular neighborhoods to the best schools and entertainment options. So, let's get started and help you make a smooth transition to living in Nashville.

Relocating to Nashville, TN

  • Cost of Living
  • Job Market
  • Things to Do in Nashville
    • Open Spaces, Outdoor Activities
    • Restaurants, Breweries and Bars

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5 Nashville Things to Fall in Love With During Your First YearAfter moving to Nashville, one of the first things you’ll notice is that you’ll be hard-pressed to find a Nashvillian who isn't vocal about their love for the city. Almost everyone loves the Nashville community from day one, but it takes a full year in town to discover everything there is to love about life in Music City.

While it would take a novel to list all of our favorite things about Music City, in this post, we'll give you the top five things you’ll come to love during your first year in Nashville.

Metropolitan Sophistication Meets Southern Sensibility

Nashville boasts a small-town charm with all of the amenities you’d expect from a big city. The Frist Art Museum, the Nashville Symphony, and theater events all over town are just a few…

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Everything to Know About Driving and Commuting in NashvilleCommuting in Nashville can be a challenge. As one of the fastest growing cities in the United States, Nashville's streets are filling up fast. Whether you're thinking about moving to the area or you're already a local, it's important to know how to get around and what methods you can use to save time. Here's what you need to know about Nashville commute times.

The Commute

The average Nashville commute is approaching one hour. While in years past, the typical commute in Nashville was about 30 minutes, that's been changing as the cities just outside Nashville fill up with residents. Moving to the outer suburbs saves money, but it can also add time to get to work.

How Do People Get Around?

The standard way to get around Nashville is by car.

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What Is the Average Cost of Living in Nashville, TN?The cost of living in Nashville, TN is on the rise, as the appeal of Music City is apparent through rapid population growth of nearly 100 people moving to Nashville daily, according to the US Census. The influx of new residents is a large part of why Nashville currently ranks as number 53 amid the 75 most populous cities in America concerning monthly living costs.

The average Nashville resident spends about $2192.76 per month on necessities, including:

  • Rent/Mortgage
  • Food
  • Utilities
  • Transportation
  • Household needs

These expenses have now surpassed comparable cities such as Atlanta, Baltimore, Dallas and Orlando. Here's a breakdown of what the typical income is in the community as well as where the money goes when one calls…

1686 Views, 0 Comments

How to Craft a Home Buying BudgetBuying a home can be costly! Between the down payment, closing costs, moving costs and then the monthly mortgage, you'll have many expenses to budget for when buying a home. Establishing a budget before getting started with the home buying process can help ensure that you're ready to buy a home. Here's what you need to know.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed real estate professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

1. Know What to Expect

Before starting the home buying process, it's important to know what major expenses must be covered when making the purchase. Below are some of the most common expenses home buyers face when making their purchase:

  • Closing costs, 2%-5%. Closing costs…

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How to Conduct Market Research Before Buying a HomeAre you buying a home soon? The first step of the home buying process is to do market research. Knowing the prices of homes in the area, talking to real estate professionals and lenders, viewing listings and taking similar steps can help you prepare to buy a home. Knowing what's available and how much homes cost in your area can help you when the time comes to buy a house.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed real estate professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

Look at Homes in the Community

One of the ways that home buyers can get a sense for the type of home they would like to buy is by viewing homes that are for sale. Showings can be done in person or online through video tours. It's a good…

1482 Views, 0 Comments

What You Should Know About Home AppraisalsWhether buying a new home or selling a current one, appraisals are an important part of both processes. Having a home appraised is helpful for both home buyers and sellers, so everyone needs to know what appraisals do and how to get the most out of them.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed real estate professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

What Is a Home Appraisal?

A home appraisal is when a professional appraiser comes to the home and inspects it in order to come up with the most accurate price estimate possible. Home appraisals are done both when buying and selling a home. While sellers often choose to use an appraisal to decide on a price for their home, buyers will also get a home…

700 Views, 0 Comments

What You Should Know About Property LiensThe ultimate goal for home buyers purchasing a home with a mortgage is to ultimately pay off the home loan so they don’t owe anything on it, making the home 100% their property. Until the home loan is paid off, the mortgage provider has a claim to ownership of the property, which they can act on if the homeowner stops making their mortgage payments. It’s important for home buyers and sellers to be familiar with property liens when trying to buy or sell a home because a lien can add extra difficulties to a sale. Here is what everyone needs to know about property liens.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with an attorney, tax, or financial advisor before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

What Is a Property Lien?


585 Views, 0 Comments

How to Decide Between a Fixed-Rate and an Adjustable-Rate MortgageWhen Brentwood homebuyers are first getting to know their mortgage options, they'll likely hear the terms ARM and fixed-rate over and over again. They're also likely to notice that one has more attractive interest rates than the other. But choosing between an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) and a fixed-rate mortgage is more than just considering the interest rates as they are now. Learn more about how buyers should approach their mortgage, whether they plan to stay in the home for 5 years or 5 decades.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed mortgage or home loan professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

How Adjustable Rates Work

Adjustable rates can change based on the market, making it possible…

1983 Views, 0 Comments

When Debt-to-Income Ratio is Too MuchWhen you apply for a mortgage to buy a home, there are many factors that your lender will consider before approving your loan. One of the things that lenders think about when they're approving or denying a mortgage is the potential borrower's debt-to-income ratio. Knowing what DTI is, how that impacts your ability to buy a home, and what you can do to improve your debt-to-income ratio can help you through the home buying process.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed mortgage or home loan professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

What Does Debt-to-Income Ratio Mean?

Debt-to-income ratio is the amount of money that a home buyer pays monthly for debts compared to the amount of money they make…

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