Real Estate Blog - Blog Archive: October, 2019

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Buying a Home With a Septic Tank? Read This FirstSeptic tanks are very different from sewer systems. They function differently and are maintained differently. Old Hickory home buyers who have never had a septic tank before should be aware of the differences before they purchase a house with a septic tank. Here's what you need to know.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed real estate professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

Understand How Your Septic Tank Functions

A septic tank is a giant underground tank that can hold hundreds or thousands of gallons of waste water at any given time. Any time someone in the home flushes a toilet, runs the dishwasher or does the laundry, that waste water enters the septic tank. All waste water from the home…

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Should I Get a Preapproval or a Prequalification Letter?Unless a Nolensville homebuyer is prepared to put down the total cost of the home in cash, they'll need to visit a lender to see how much they can borrow. While traditional banks may be the more well-known lenders, buyers can apply for credit at any number of institutions (e.g., credit unions, online banks, brokerage firms, etc.). See how the lending process works, and how preapproval and prequalification letters can help or hurt the search.

There are distinct differences between the two types of letters a buyer can receive from a lender. A home seller may not know the difference prior to putting their home on their market, but their real estate agent will almost certainly give them an education on the process.

For informational purposes only.…

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Everything You Need to Know About Applying for a MortgageApplying for a mortgage can be stressful, especially if it's your first time. It's common for people to make mistakes in the mortgage application process, and sometimes those mistakes can have long-lasting effects. If you're thinking about buying a Belle Meade home, here's what you need to know to avoid serious mistakes.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed mortgage professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

1. Borrowing Too Much

Most lenders will approve borrowers up to a certain amount. Sometimes, the maximum amount that a lender will approve is more than the borrower can realistically afford while maintaining their preferred lifestyle. Buying a home that is too expensive could result in the…

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