Real Estate Blog - Blog Archive: September, 2018

Page Summary

Importing Selling Papers You Need to KnowSelling a home isn't as simple as declaring who owns the property on a standard deed. And while the exact amount of paperwork depends on the circumstances of each sale, Gallatin home sellers should understand the general principles behind the many documents they may need to review and sign. Learn more about the most important paperwork, and how a real estate agent can help sellers decipher the clauses and contingencies.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed real estate professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

Usual Home Selling Paperwork

Home sellers may already be familiar with major documents from the buying process:

  • A Deed
  • A Title
  • The Purchase & Sale Contract
  • Any…

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Information About Building a New Construction HomeBuilding a custom Franklin TN home can be a rewarding and thrilling experience. If you're a home buyer who is thinking about building your own home sometime in the near future, these tips can help. By planning properly, budgeting properly and by hiring a professional and capable builder, you can have a positive experience building a home.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed real estate professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

Plan Properly

The great benefit of building a home from the ground up is that the buyer can design a home where he or she can live happily for many years to come. Often, a home buyer's needs will change as years pass. Home owners who want to stay in one home for…

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How Taxes Work When Selling a Vacation HomeSelling a vacation home has a few distinct differences compared to selling a primary home due to the nature of the property. Because vacation homes are considered somewhat of a luxury asset, the taxes can be considerable for sellers who have seen their property appreciate over the years. Find out more about what they are, and how sellers can mitigate their financial impact.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a financial advisor before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

Crunching the Capital Gains

Capital gains apply to any asset an individual might hold that has appreciated in value. They're taxed on a progressive scale based on the owner's total yearly income. The standard tax rate for capital gains is 15%,…

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Causes and Solutions for a Home's Foundation DamageFoundation damage can be a very costly problem for homeowners. Knowing how to identify foundation trouble and what to do about it can help you solve your problems early, before they become more serious. In many cases, early identification and quick action can help prevent the problem from having catastrophic results.

How To Identify Foundation Trouble

Symptoms of foundation trouble can be subtle at first, so many homeowners don't recognize these problems when they first become an issue. Some of the most common symptoms of foundation trouble include:

  • Cracks in the walls and floors, especially cracks over doorways and windows.
  • Windows and doors that suddenly stick in their jams.
  • Doors that will no longer close or doors that no…

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